
Please check the checkbox below the number to make your selection


Please check the checkbox to make your selection

1(A5) 1(A6)
2(A5) 2(A6)
3(A5) 3(A6)
4(A5) 4(A6)
5(A5) 5(A6)
6(A5) 6(A6)
7(A5) 7(A6)
8(A5) 7(A6)
9(A5) 7(A6)
size Cost
1 A5 4$
2 A6 3$

plus shipping(It will be sent in an envelope, so it will cost around 2$)

Boys and Girls

Please check the checkbox to make your selection

1(A5) 1(A6)
2(A5) 2(A6)
3(A5) 1(A6)
4(A5) 1(A6)
5(A5) 1(A6)
size Cost
1 A5 5$
2 A6 4$

plus shipping(It will be sent in an envelope, so it will cost around 2$)

Dark Series

Please check the checkbox to make your selection

1(A5) 1(A6)
2(A5) 2(A6)
size Cost
1 A5 5$
2 A6 4$

plus shipping(It will be sent in an envelope, so it will cost around 2$)

Bookmark [Bonus]

Please check the checkbox below the number to make your selection.








Total: 0$

Click the button above to view the selected product
Please copy the displayed product list and apply via direct mail on social media or through this application form.
If you are making a request via SNS,
please send us a direct mail from the button below by copying the requester's name and the selected items displayed above.